I am the awesomest Pokemon. *nods*
Now for something completely different...a sketch/doodle post! Woooo! I am so tempted to use a bunch of reaction gifs, but I will restrain myself for you guys. It took me a while to work up the courage to post some doodles simply because I usually wuss out at the last possible moment because I'm shy about the things I draw. I'm still debating on whether or not to post my original characters on this blog, but it's a bit too public for my brainchildren and I am paranoid about people stealing my drawings as it is...which explains my love of watermarks which you'll see. Let's begin shall we?

This is quite possibly the oldest one I'll post today, mostly because it's in pen which means it's in my small notebook. I had been watching Sailor Moon I think and remembered the infamous Super Special and started thinking of who would be the other scouts again and now that the comic is a bit further along than it was then I thought Nicole would make the perfect Sailor Mercury (She's holding "herself" as a replacement for the lil' computer Mercury uses). I love the Princess dress so I wanted to draw Sally in it.

This was drawn in my larger notebook which I've been drawing in pencil in. Normally I doodle in pen, but it didn't feel right for this notebook. *shrug* I'm weird, this shouldn't be news to anyone. My mind wandered into Sally Moon thoughts again and I ended up drawing her in Usagi's school outfit. I have a tiny problem with Sally being considered Usagi because it's VERY out of character for her. The Super Special was vague with how closely they were parodying Sailor Moon so it's open for debate. They also didn't add Usagi's meatballs to Sally which just never seemed right to me...so I draw her with them. This is a cute one, I still think I may finish it up and try to add some bells and whistles in Photoshop.

This one is actually older than Sally just above. I have been wanting to do a tribute to different things from the Disney Parks. Rides long gone and forgotten and even ride elements like this one. This is The Bride, the one in the parks now (Phantom Manor in Disneyland Paris doesn't count) is known as Constance/The Black Widow Bride/Bride2.0. After seeing Constance I wanted to smack whoever thought she was a good idea upside the head...hard. I remember the original bride well because the Attic area used to creep the hell out of me because you could hear her heart beating as soon as you enter it (the pop-up heads back then were also a lot better at scaring the bejeezus out of me...I actually kind of miss being startled by them, they're much tamer now). She's had many revamps, but I basically mixed and matched a few of the original Brides because for whatever reason people took very few pictures of her...trust me, if you do a search now you'll get nearly nothing, but Constance. Doombuggies is the best source for all things Haunted Mansion and its Bride. Go ahead and click the link and it'll take you to a page with nearly all of the Brides that have haunted the mansion's attic. <3 I already have a Photoshop file set up for this one.

Last one and the last thing I've sketch/doodled. I've been watching Batman Beyond again (among other things like Outlaw Star <3) and remembered how awesome I thought Curaré was and still is. I needed to try drawing her myself and well...this is what happened. While I drew this one I got the idea to draw her standing in a field filled with the flowers/plant she's named after, but yes, this one is nice too. Batman Beyond needs more love and fanart.
I hope you've enjoyed my seemingly endless details on these silly doodles. This isn't the only doodle post I would like to do. I honestly haven't been posting anything to DeviantArt because I haven't felt like I've done anything worthy of posting. Hopefully all of you lovely people that read my blog like them a little bit. I promise I'll post something nice that's not a doodle someday. Ja ne! <3
I love the Nicole and Sally drawings!! <3 The Princess dress is right for Sally :D Thank you for posting your artwork, Amy.