That...that gif up there...that is how I feel right now, not just because I have another migraine. I'm even thinking about venting in one my Livejournals. *siiiiigh* Mac is also smashing his head into the desk in time with the beat of the song that's on my iTunes as I type this. I am so glad it's Friday! My plush making has been put on hold, hopefully, until Sunday. Not that I haven't tried to find a solution that didn't require another trip into the Fashion District, but I am going on a fleece shopping spree if I do in fact get to go. I hope to have every color of the rainbow and then some before I leave no matter how much it costs. I don't want to have this problem when I start on the other things I want to make. Everything I find in my area, or online, is waaaay too much money and not as good. What I get around here keeps shredding as I sew it on and me and my anal ways don't approve. In the meantime I'm preparing for my next project and the more I work on it the more I realize just how much work I have in store for me. I better get started on it soon if I want it done before Christmas. D: I'm thinking of having labels made to sew into the things I make. *giggle* Another song on my iTunes that Mac's headdesking fits perfectly to. I feel like I should update on how my birthday went, but that would probably end up being like a novel and it would also be nice if I could edit all the photos I took to add along with it. Perhaps next blog. I will mention that my sexy geek (boyfriend) bought me a Nintendo DSi for my birthday plus Pokemon: Soul Silver. I got myself Shantae: Risky's Revenge for it because I simply could not resist after still being a fan of the original Shantae all these years. I'm hoping to grab Animal Crossing eventually because that game is like crack to me even though I have never owned a system to play it on until now. It might actually be a good thing that I don't own it because heaven knows I can and will waste my life playing it. I also have Flipnote Studio and have been making horrible cutesy animations. I've added a "gadget" to my blog for everyone to see them. It should be there to your right just above the "About Me" section. Enjoy and now it's time for me to head home.
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