In other news...I'm already starting on my second plush and this one, I'm hoping, will end up as a Christmas gift. I was lucky enough to have a trip down into the Fashion District on Sunday to hunt for softer material for a plush. Fleece (I'm pretty sure that's what I bought) was the best and most plentiful/varied material we found. I was hoping to find that really soft material that they use for plushies these days, but yeah...no. I doubt it would have been as good a price as the fleece was. We also learned that clothes are much, much cheaper there too. Ross ain't got nothin' on LA's rock bottom prices. :P Nny is complete and already with his new plushie family in my sister's room.

My sister had wanted to bring him with us to Magic Mountain last Saturday, but with how anal Six Flags has gotten with their no loose articles on rides policy I convinced her he was safer at home. Funnily enough I had found the perfect solution to my loose articles by pulling my purse strap through my belt holes. Genius, I know. Then on every line we went into where we have been hounded about loose articles they either didn't notice or they no longer care about my "loose articles". >:[ Now, October at Magic Mountain means Fright Fest and for my sister and I that means sexy Heckles and Twitch action. To say we were looking forward to it after having missed it completely last year was an understatement. It's almost a ritual to go for my birthday at least. Colossus backwards didn't fail us, but we noticed the overabundance of "youth" in our favorite park. Past experience has taught us that during Fright Fest people don't start coming until sunset which meant short lines for us during the day and then freedom to ogle clowns all night while the lines were packed. Not this year. Got in three coasters...I would've gone on Log Jammer too, but I couldn't (didn't want to anyway).

Then as we huddled in front of the stage set up at the entrance to Gotham we finally got to see our favorite clowns. Twitch even donned his dancing panties and busted out Plan T. <3 Captain completely fangirled and then after their speech and rules they set the clowns loose and we went into Gotham to enjoy the screaming, but after scouring the Gotham City Backlot our favorite clowns were no where in sight, not to mention a lot of the costumed people that had crowded around the stage were missing. We recognized clowns from previous years, but where were their ringleaders? What truly ruined the experience was all the idiots completely ignoring the rules and shoving clowns and just making complete jackasses of themselves. We gave up and went to ride Colossus backwards again and wait to catch the next show. The halftime show although funny wasn't making up for our building disappointment. Once again Heckles and Twitch disappeared into the fog and there was still a serious lack of clowns and screaming. We found a perch to watch the clowns work their magic, but it wasn't enough and some of them weren't even trying. I finally found an event staff and asked where Heckles and Twitch were and she told me that they basically don't hang around in Gotham anymore and sometimes roamed to the other "scare zones". We were officially sad pandas and decided to visit the other scare zones to see what they were like even with the knowledge that none of us brought a change a pants in the event that they succeeded in their purpose in any of the scare zones. At the camp set up they definitely surprised us, though I think I angered one of them with my cheery hello when he popped up behind us with his hoarse "Hiiiii!". Location, location, location. The scare zones were in great areas for people to truly sneak up on you and Samurai Summit had some cute ones. I'm well aware that people dressed up as zombies shouldn't be considered cute, but...they just are okay! We can see through the blood, the painted on sunken cheek bones and prosthetics. We even found one of the people that had been down by the stage for the opening speech Heckles and Twitch gave. Our scare zone tourism done we passed by Superman to head back for the last show of the night and found Superman: The Escape completely blocked off with a sign saying they'll be re-opening in 2011. We cheered and hoped that the rumors for the Bizarro add on would come true. That ride was overdue for a complete overhaul. The cars weren't going as high on the tower as they did when my dad would bring me during those summer vacations so long ago. We found a spot by the stage, but the "youth" ruined that too. Some snot noses decided to shove and climb the railing keeping us from the stage. I hoped the clowns would make them poop their pull-ups. >:C The final show was more dissapointment, but the kids totally pooped their pull-ups when the clowns started their final scares for the night. I should mention, that Captain adores the music they play when Heckles and Twitch tell the clowns to "Get 'em!" and so after every show we would ask about it and well...the one guy we got to talk to us made us promises he never intended to keep it seems. Sad and disillusioned we headed for the exit only to encounter more "youth". Ugh...it's not so much the kids that I minded it was the teenagers. It also further proved that my birthday is going to suck. *sigh*
Bonus! Guess who I'm making...it should be rather obvious.

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