Our town tune is the guitar riff of the Seether Careless Whisper cover. C:
I recently learned that my sister's friend who lives here in California with us has never been to Disneyland. I feel a moral obligation to take her, but it costs money. >:C I also want to go because I want to see the gorgeous Murphy in all her glory. Murphy is the nickname given to the new animatronic Maleficent in Fantasmic. We actually went on the year she was to make her debut, but well...they named named her Murphy after Murphy's law "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.". The dragon before this one was named Bucky because the tubes for her fire looked like buck teeth and the Florida Maleficent is named Vivian (though I have yet to find out why). But, but...ugh, just look at her!
<3 <3 <3 We were so peeved that we had missed seeing her by like a week. I've been aching to go back with a decent camera anyway. *siiiiigh*
I'll end today's post with something I made this week. I follow fuckyeahsotc on Tumblr and they posted this...
I was listening to this song and wanted to try and find a new way to draw males (don't get me started at how bad I am at drawing guys) and for some really strange reason I wanted to use my tablet. I suck at drawing with it because I can't get over the fact that I'm not looking at what I'm drawing WHERE I'm drawing it. Thus everything I try to draw with it always looks sketchy and messy, but I started doodling and couldn't stop. I could probably blame my muse hours too. Then this happened...

I find Wander's (I am so tempted to type Wanda because that's how I say it) sacrifice throughout the game absolutely beautiful. His corrupted/cursed form is my favorite as you can see. The whole game and Ico just get me right in the girly and imaginative areas of my brain and although I have never played either game, I am addicted. I'm a sucker for atmospheric games as it is.