Feel free to mentally hear the "Auuugh!" in my title like the familiar Charlie Brown scream of dismay. Webroot has been running for nearly four hours since I upgraded it. Faster computer scanning time my arse. >:C I don't run Webroot often, but when I do I always remember exactly why I don't, although I realize how important virus protection is. This isn't what I had intended to start off my first post with, but since I stepped into the office and turned on Fuju (my Fujitsu laptop) it has been a thorn in my side. I suppose it's a fitting way to start off a blog named Geeky Tangents (with a tangent! Ho, ho! You see what I did thar?!). Now that that's out of the way, welcome to my blog you lucky people you! Thank you for stopping by and giving my thoughts a read. I suppose I should type about what I intend this blog to be about, but I refuse to decide on a specific/exclusive topic. I'll just be emptying out my over-cluttered thoughts here and share some doodles I just don't feel like updating into my galleries, but want to share somewhere. I'll discuss my thoughts on video games, cartoons, movies and theme parks. Now...on to something I've been wanting to type about this week.
I have been a huuuuge fan of the Disney parks since before I can remember. My family will vouch for the fact that I am a living park map for both Disney Land and Disney World. I've seen them make changes around the parks for better or for worse. The latest publicized change is the refurbishment of the Star Tours ride. Unlike Small World's changes(believe me you people don't want to see me go off on a tangent about that one), what I had read about seemed like a good idea. They intend to provide guests with more location scenarios, before it was just The Endor Moons location. I adored the original ride as it was and I understand the need to refresh it a bit, but I am a bit sad after finding this...
It's not just that I wasn't there to share oxygen with the awesomeness that is Mark Hamill AND Seth Green, *fangirl sobs* I realized something they had not elaborated on in all the posts I ran into. There will be no more Endor Moons scenario at all! I was okay with the adding, but had not expected them to take away as well. But, but...that means no more adorable first time flight robotic pilot, Rex. I loved that little animatronic. >;^;< I'm none too thrilled with his replacements either. *sigh* I'm not a big Star Wars geek so I don't really have much else to rant about, but we'll see how everything turns out. Hopefully it's better than a lot of their ride changes have been lately, which I could fill up several more posts with, but I'll save them for another day perhaps.